Less time spent shopping, wrapping gifts, caroling, attending concerts, going to parties, preparing the house for guests this month equals MORE TIME TO READ! "' Check out the following books, located this month on the cart in the Gamble Room. Come January, they will be shelved in their normal locations: fiction in the Fireplace Room; non-fiction on Gamble Room shelves. — Rachel Lausch

Special Reading Items in the Gamble Room:

  • Christmas books, which can be checked out, are on display this month only.

  • "Art of the West" magazines, courtesy of the Grants, are available. Please return them when finished with each issue.

Both of these items are located on the south-facing window ledge by the round table.

A slew of good books for your reading pleasure awaits you this month on the Gamble Room cart. Thanks to all who have donated such a fascinating variety of books!

Just a few books to add to the collection this month, but first a correction: Last month, Russell Low's book, Three Coins: A Young Girl's Story of Kidnappings, Slavery, and Romance in 19th Century America was erroneously listed under the fiction category. The story, however, is historical and tells the tale of Ah Ying, Law's great-grandmother, who was brought to America when she was just nine and sold into slavery in San Francisco's Chinatown. Eventually she is able to take control of her life and is rescued by Donaldina Cameron. With Cameron's help, Ah Ying finds a new life at the Presbyterian Mission Home. The themes in this book are just as relevant today as they were when Ah Ying faced them more than a century ago. The book will now be shelved in the 920 "Bibliography & Memoir'' section of the Gamble Room Library. — Rachel Lausch

This month there is a selection of books to satisfy most anyone's reading tastes. I particularly would like to draw your attention to several books addressing the topic of racism. The titles of those books appear below in bold. Remember that each month's "new'' books can be found on the Book Cart in the Gamble Room. After that they will be shelved in the usual places. — Rachel Lausch

LibraryNoelle Gonzales