2021 Library Updates

Once again, there is an amazing variety of books from which to choose. Pick up one of the following books, get settled in a comfy chair with a throw blanket handy and a mug of hot tea by your side, and you will be all set for a lovely afternoon no matter how chilly it may be outside.

But first, a few comments:

A. If you find yourself struggling to deal with the recent death or ongoing suffering of a spouse or close friend, I encourage you to browse the #100 "Grieving / End of Life" section of books, located on the E wall of the Gamble Room. One new #100 book appears on the list this month, but numerous books which might provide comfort are already in this section.

B. Forward From Here: Leaving Middle Age-and Other Unexpected Adventures by Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, has been moved from the fiction shelve where it has been, hiding out for quite Some time(!) to its proper spot in the #920 section of books in Gamble. Lindbergh's focus is on life after turning 60. Why she ever thought that to be the marker for "leaving middle age," I have no idea! Other than that, the book looks like an interesting read, especially for those of us well past 60 who still very much consider ourselves to be middle aged ... and young at heart!

C. Paperback books have proliferated on the shelves just to the right of the Dining Room door, and there is only space for a limited number. These books are free and do not have to be returned, so help yourself--and it's okay to pass them along to family and friends rather than return them.

As is the custom, the "new" books of the month can be found on the "new book" cart in the Gamble Room. Please only check out one of these at a time in order to give others a chance at these books.

In both Fireplace and Gamble Rooms a sheet is posted explaining how to use the library. Please note that it is ALWAYS preferable to return books to the "return book" location to the right of the fireplace, no matter whether you got them from the shelves or the book cart. I will retrieve them, replace the card, and reshelf them; there is no need for you to do that.

If you have any questions about the use of the library, feel free to contact me. As spring and warmer weather approach, I invite you to read on!

Ah, the freedom to gather unmasked with (a few) friends and the arrival of Spring and Daylight Savings Time are joyous things to celebrate. Our schedules are fuller than pre-vaccination months, and time is being taken up once again with cherished activities ... like haircuts.

The downside is that all this leaves us with less time to read --in a month where some phenomenally interesting books in a mind-boggling range of subjects are making their appearance in our library. (Michael Connelly fans will be especially thrilled!) Take a peek at all of these titles, located on the New Book Cart in the Gamble Room, on your next trip to The Commons. Kindly check out only one at a time in order to give others a chance at these sections.

A number of titles donated this past month were already on the shelves. When in doubt, consult the book listing that is in each library room to see if a book is already in the collection.

A moving memoir, Little Black Sheep, by Ashely Cleveland, 2013, had gone astray, i.e. been miscategorized and placed on the fiction shelves. It is now in its proper place in the Gamble Room in the 920 Bio/Memoir section. The author, encountering God's forgiveness, "discovers that broken places often supply the best things we have to give away."