Eight Heroes

A hiker was injured. I sat with him on the mountain and made a new friend while we waited for the helicopter. I was never at risk. The Sierra Madre Rescue unit and Channel 5 News called me a hero. I wasn't - not even close. However, we have true heroes on campus. They are Rachael Lausch, Dave Winters, Lynn Cheyney, Garry Sattler, Anne Tomlinson, Dave Tomlinson, Jeanie Cobb, and (just before his death) Clayton Cobb.

Week after week, they bring groceries to those who may be at higher risk. Jesus spoke well of those who give a cup of water to a neighbor. Well, making a special trip to buy groceries is well beyond giving a cup of water. But that's not what makes them heroes. To perform this act of love, they have placed their lives and health at risk. Yes, they take precautions; but they are taking a risk so that others will be safer.

Channel 5 needs to interview them. They are true heroes.

-Bruce Calkins