September 2021 Chaplain's Update

The Lectio Divina Reflection group continues to meet on Monday afternoons at 1 :30 PM in the Gamble Room. (We will not meet on September 6th as it is Labor Day.) The 1:30 PM time has worked out better for residents who eat lunch in Marwick at 12:30 PM. The Women's Prayer Group continues to meet at 11 :30 AM on Mondays out at the large gazebo by the front main entrance to MVGH. (If the temperature seems too high for the gazebo, we will move to an indoor location. But, we do consider the gazebo our home. We will leave a note on the table if we move.) Both these groups have really been getting established with some good attendance and participation! Thank you to all who have attended. Attendance is completely flexible to both these groups so that people may come and go as they feel called.

The Partners in Time group continues to meet on the first Wednesday of the month. Next meeting: Wednesday, September 1 at 10:30 AM in the Gamble Room. The first two meetings have been valuable and refreshing to attendees. Once again, regular attendance is certainly not required. I know that life can be full of surprises. Come as you desire. If you would like handouts, but cannot attend, please connect with me and I will get them to you via email or your mailbox.

The new addition in activity is a response to another request from residents. The first meeting of the Grief Support group will be the third Wednesday of the month {September 15 at 10:30 AM in the Gamble Room.) Like Partners in Time, it will be a one hour meeting with the ability to extend time as needed. We can discuss whether this schedule works for those attending and what they would like to see in this group. There will be some discussion of organization at the first meeting. But, we certainly will have time for support and sharing during this initial meeting. We titled this group, "Grief Support" rather than "Bereavement Support" as many residents are suffering with grief due to a variety of circumstances. Please feel free to attend no matter the cause of your grief. We pray that we can be present for anyone suffering in this manner.

I am so glad that we have continued to be able to meet in person over the last couple of months. I know that things have changed in LA County with some increased restrictions, but I pray that this "in-person" ability will continue. I notice such an increase in positive spirit due to being able to be in community again. It is such an honor to be your chaplain.

Diane M. Frasher