Wellness New Years Resolutions

There is no better time than now, during the second Covid-19 surge, to make resolutions for your wellness in the coming year.

In 1960 those who reached age 65 in our country could expect to live an additional 14 years. Today, it's 19 years. A Consumer Reports survey of 2,066 persons age 50 and older revealed that we're eager to maintain our quality of life into retirement and far, far beyond. To do so, here are four areas of wellness deserving of clear goals for 2021

1. Managing your health

Your primary care doctor is organized to quarterback all your care, keeping tabs on all your medications, and coordinating care with your specialists. Schedule a visit. Put all your pill bottles ln a bag (including all over-the-counter drugs and supplements) and take them to your primary care doctor for a review. Make a note of any side effects or problems you've noticed.

2. Keeping your body strong

All of us have declined as we've aged, and quarantine may have accelerated that decline. Are you at risk? Time how long it takes you to get out of an armchair, walk 10 feet, walk back, and sit down again. A healthy adult older than 60 should be able to do it in 10 seconds or less. Consider resolutions in five areas:

• Get a physical-therapy evaluation.
• Do 150 minutes of cardio eve,y week.
• Add strength training. Borrow bands or weights if needed.
• Keep your balance. A simple way is to practice standing on one leg and then the other.
• Stay flexible.

3. Staying mentally sharp

Stay socially engaged. Learn something new. That creates new neural pathways.

4. Living independently

Does your unit need further age-appropriate modifications (a comfort-height toilet seat)? Added bathroom safety features? Is it time to wear a medical alert device?

Look forward to new opportuniti6s this year as our Wellness Center and its classes resume. In the meantime, the pool is open 7 days a week for your use.

— Norm Thomas