The Sun Valley Writer's Conference earlier this summe1· drastically changed my outlook on the natural world around us. It was there that I experienced a presentation by David Wallace­Wells, and have since read his book "The Uninhabitable Earth; Life after Wanning. I highly recommend the book to everyone, with the hope that it will "scare the bejabbers" out of you, as it has me! And the scariest of all ... is the fact that the drastic predictions for the future ARE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! The unending wildfires in Northern CA, the continuing severe drought across the western US, the endless string of powerful hurricanes, severe flooding across the globe, higher temperatures than ever previously recorded--to highlight but a few. The earth is calling out to us. Will we answer?

• Will you look for creative and ongoing ways to conserve our precious water?

• Will you advocate and support a steady increase in "clean energy'', wind and solar.

• The next time you need a new car will you at least consider a hybrid, if not an EV?

• Will we help the Grove explore the use of more drought-resistant plants?

• Will you advocate with environmental groups and governmental entities to take the necessary steps NOW, to reverse the actions that are destroying our planet?

Of course, what WE are able to do may seem minimal in the face of the growing call to be serious stewards of this planet that God has entrusted to us. But what we CAN do in addition, if we have children and grandchildren, is TALK to them about these concerns. Apologize for the condition of the earth we are turning over to them and encourage them to take seriously the clear and necessary steps that our generation has tended all too often to ignore.

I implore you to ask of yourself .................. WHAT CAN I DO??

  • Dave Tomlinson

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