My name is Victoria Eaton, and I am the new Wellness Coordinator. I am so excited to be here to Educate, Motivate and Assist you in your wellness. I have already met many of you and look forward to meeting others. Please stop by and introduce yourself.

I am originally from Oklahoma City and came here in 2000 via Spokane ( Whitworth University), Boston ( Lesley University) and Oklahoma. I am married to Dr. Mark Eaton and have two children, Andrew age 22 and Elliot age 18. I have been a ballet and modern dancer, taught aerobics, have my masters in education, and have done various wellness courses.

Most recently in Covid I took a psychology course at Oxford University, a happiness course at Yale and a Yogafit senior chair stretch, strengthen and balance class, all on line. My husband and I have been lucky enough to have a few sabbaticals in Oxford and Princeton. I also teach preschool yoga and wellness at San Marino Community Church Nursery School.

My first motivational project is a Boston Marathon Challenge. Check out the bulletin board in the Wellness Center. All sorts of fitness counts, I've got a few ideas on the board, everything from logging 26 miles from now until October 11 ( the official date of the marathon) to exercising 26 times. A few ideas of exercise are walking, dancing, stretching, taking a class or spending time on any of the equipment for strengthening or cardiovascular training here in the Wellness Center. I love the circuit training I've seen on the campus as well. My personal connection with the Boston Marathon is that my husband, Mark, also a student of Dr. Bruner's at one point, is training and running the marathon on October 11. So that is your cut-off date! Take the challenge.

I look forward to supporting this community in the eight dimensions of wellness including physical, social, occupational/volunteer, spiritual, emotional, environmental, financial, and intellectual. Dianne Whiting, Helen Baatz, Adam Villegas, and Nancy Mandie are just a few of the people who have made my transition here welcoming. Look for lots more to come including wellness classes starting mid-September, walking groups, field trips, tips of the week and challenges. Remember to try using your 3 B's every time you exercise: Brain, Breath and Body!